Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Labor Day deals

No time to post....ever. Seriously. I miss it, but I am so busy. How do those bloggers (with thousands of followers/readers) find time to post daily....? A question I guess I will never get the answer to.

Anywho, we had a lovely Labor Day weekend. We did our typical weekend things. Walmart, Sams, church.

On Monday we ventured to the mall. I led the pack, declaring that it was time for mommy to drop some cash on herself, get out of the same old clothes that I have worn for years, and purchase something new and hip. Well, by golly, I did...or at least I tried! I did buy a few new things for myself (including a $46.00 pair of dressy jeans for a whopping $13.80), as well as for the boys (a few $1.97 finds) for winter. Is it just me, or is every mom drawn like a magnet to the kid section in every single store I enter??

I must admit, I have absolutely NO fashion sense whatsoever when it comes to shoes and accessories. Trying to pick the right pair of shoes is like trying to read a book in Chinese. Ain't gonna happen. I am not so sure why this is, all I know is that I desperately need help when it comes to covering my feet with fashionable footwear. Any takers?

We also shopped around for some new pots for the kitchen. Our current ones are peeling and flaking all over. I do not particularly want plastic chips in my macaroni, that's just me though. So we found a nice set marked for 50% off. When the sales lady rang them up, the register rang them up for more like 65% off. Ain't gonna argue with that!!!

All in all, a great Labor Day weekend it was. Oh, and on a side note, I think little William is starting to try and "talk". It takes every single muscle, and every bit of energy for him to push out the smallest sound, but he is trying!

Since it may be another week before I post again....GEAUX TIGERS, GEAUX SAINTS!!! Love me some football!

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