Saturday, September 19, 2009


We LOVE game day around here. I know every state has a team (college or NFL) that they are devoted too. But let me tell ya, you have not experienced fans like us LSU folks. We are DE-VO-TED!!!

Mike was actually out running the tailgating party on campus for work today, so the boys and I went out to the mall for a bit. We were all dressed in our purple and gold, as were every other man, woman, and child we saw.

First stop was to buy Jacob a new LSU hat. You see the one on his head in the picture above....well it is an infant hat, size 12-24 months! He finally outgrew it this season! We have small heads in our family...

We ate lunch, rode the carousel, visited with an old high school friend of mine and just leisurely strolled along and did some people watching. The boys were wonderful, the whole experience was really very enjoyable and relaxing. Oh, well, except for when I was changing Williams diaper and he proceeded to urinate a nice fountain of yellow water the very minute his diaper was removed. His attempt to spray me with urine was quite futile though, as I am a quick draw. A simple flick of the wrist and said urine stream was contained with a nice cold wipe over the pelvic region. Alas! My shirt was saved. No one urinates on purple and one!

We headed home with 30 minutes to spare, enough time for a quick bath. William and I plopped on the couch for the game while Jacob and Mike headed to town for a bachelor party (yes, of course Mike dropped Jacob off at the grandparents before heading to hooterville. Did you really think otherwise?)

To top off a good day??? What else but a victory for LSU!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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