Thursday, October 1, 2009

Mr Stone says hello

I know I's been so long. Two weeks to be more precise....BUT, I have a great excuse. You don't believe me?? Well, just ask me!

I have been tormented by a humongous rock. One that feels the need to jump around inside of my kidney like it is a trampoline. Bouncing around, having the time of it's life. All the while leaving me screaming in pain. That's right my dear blog readers....I have a kidney stone. Well, more like 3 or 4 kidney stones, but hey, whose counting?

I had been in pain for three days before I decided that enough was enough and had my dad bring me to the ER on Saturday night. Mike was at our dear friends wedding. One that I could not attend due to my friend, Mr. stone.

Mike met up with us at the ER shortly after I was admitted and stayed with me until I was discharged at 1am the next morning. Before discharge, the doc sent me for a CT scan of my kidneys and was beside himself when he saw how big Mr. stone really was. A typical kidney stone (he informs me) is 2-3cm. Your stone, however, is 10cm.

I see.

Monday came and I phoned my urologist about my situation regarding Mr stone. He got me in immediately and did an ultrasound and an x ray. He confirmed Mr stone's size and location, and found some junior stones still up in the kidney.

Tuesday morning I went for lithotripsy. I remember almost nothing from the experience because, for some reason or another, the nurse felt the need to heavily sedate me. Not that I am complaining! A drug overdose is WAY better than feeling the pain! I was pretty well sedated until 3 or 4pm Tuesday afternoon. My sweet sweet mom came up to care for the boys and even took Jacob home with her on Tuesday.

I spent yesterday recovering and am feeling pretty good today.

Not sure if I have passed any stones, but I have a follow up appointment next Tuesday with my doc.

In the meantime, I will be posting October - like pictures of my little pumpkins. Stay tuned!

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