Tuesday, October 20, 2009

worth it

For all you moms out there, a witty post from me tonight.....

You know you are a stay at home mom when.........

**A trip to the mall (or Target, Walmart, etc) sounds as challenging as a trip across the country.

**You hear yourself whining and saying things like, "Oh man. This is the exact same episode of Handy Manny/Mickey Mouse club house/Blue's Clues they showed yesterday...

** You have a very strong preference between Steve and Joe from Blue's Clues.

**Breakfast consists of getting everyone else fed and cleaned, and by the time you are done, you realize it is lunchtime and you must do it all again!

** and dinner is something somebody else better be figuring out because by dinner time, mama is still trying to figure out what happened to breakfast and lunch...

**Movie watching is a lost art because sleep is just more important....and going to bed at 9:30 on a Saturday night is totally the hip thing to do.

**You are so used to having to pee with the door open, that when company is over, you come dangerously close to sharing too much.

**Eco-Rangers, Moose and Zee, from Noggin are the ones who've convinced you to be more energy efficient.

**Your friend says, "Have you heard that new song, __________?" and you think to yourself that unless it's sung by The Backyardigans or Mickey, you most certainly have not heard it.

**You spend way too much time each morning trying to choose the cutest outfits for your children to wear, when you realize (as you are walking around Walmart with your beautifully goomed kids) that you are wearing the same clothes you wore yesterday and you cannot possibly remember when your hair was last washed.

**but then, you realize that this makes it all worth it....

1 comment:

Courtney said...

LOL...soo true. I love it!

I have to confess I am totally guilty of spending way to much time picking out my kids cloths and then I just throw on a jogging suit and hope no one notices me.