Friday, October 16, 2009

picked a pack of pumpkins

What a beautiful day it was today. With a high of 67, how could we stay indoors!?

So, we didn't.

Jacob, William and I drove on over to our friendly neighborhood pumpkin patch.

Unfortunately, we had a monsoon come through the night before, and the patch was one big slosh pit of mushy brown mud.

Needless to say, we picked a pack of pumpkins, posed for some perfectly precious pictures, and pranced back to the pavement where we could stand on solid ground!!!

William does have feet under those pants....he just didn't want that nasty mud on his tootsies..

pack of perfect pumpkins

trying to pick the perfect one

he is practicing his "goblin look" for Halloween

and this is his "you know you want to give me candy" look

We (I) also carved a big ole punkin this evening. Last year we (I) carved Mickey, this year Jacob wanted Buzz Lightyear.

I aim to please!

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