Thursday, December 11, 2008

Snow Day!

What! SNOW in Louisiana.....unheard of! We might get some sort of snow/sleet every 5 - 7 years, maybe...

This morning while I was leaving the house (at 5am) for work I noticed the snow, but it was so wet that it was not sticking to the ground. As I pushed on, I soon realized I was fighting a damn blizzard. Snow was swirling and slamming in to the car, roads and bridges were icing over, and everyone around me went in to freak out mode. You see, here in La, we don't know what to do with the white stuff you other people call snow. To ask us to drive in it...blasphemy! I arrived at work safely, some 2 1/2 hours later. I called Mike when I got there and he informs me that Jacobs' day care was closed for a snow day, as well as all of the schools in the area! So daddy and Jake stayed home for a snow day, and when I got home we all headed out to build us a Frosty. We didn't have a carrot or coal, or a hat or scarf, so we made us a southern snowman.....complete with a leaf nose and mulch eyes=)

Jacob was so excited, we had to force him to come inside once the sun set. I hope the snow sticks around for a little while, I know he would love to see it in the morning when he wakes, and since he won't remember this snow day, we took lots of pictures. See you again Mr. Jack Frost, in another 5 years or so!

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