Tuesday, July 14, 2009

my daddy bites

OK, so I went to the doc yesterday, and after a HORRID exam to see if I was dilating, we decided William would be forced to make his debut on Friday. Only 3 more days!!!!

Our boys hang out, soak it all up and then have to be forced into this world by drugs. I don't think that's how the Lord intended it but we are excited all the same =0)

This weekend was a great one, as usual! Jacob spent the weekend away with grandparents and Mike and I had an awesome anniversary dinner and movie night out. It was much needed adult conversation throughout the night!!!! We love our boy, but have a hard time talking when he is saying "excuse me" 1500 times in a row!

Jacob and I spent Sunday night in town with my parents for Mike to get all of his schoolwork done. Yesterday was his last day of class until November...YAY

Last night Jacob and I went to dinner with the neighbor and her kids so Mike could finish up his last bit of schoolwork. The neighbors' little girl rode with us in our car. This was their conversation:

M: Jacob, I am warning you, little brothers are fun, but they hit too. It doesn't hurt though, but they do hit.

J: (firing right back, without hesitation) Well, my daddy bites....(a game they play, but Jacob does not offer this information)


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