Friday, July 31, 2009

swimming (kind of) like a fish

Jacob completed his two weeks of swim lessons yesterday. I was very pleased with this swim place. There were at least 15 or so instructors and each instructor had 3 children that they taught.

Jacob started these lessons (having never had a lesson before) completely afraid of the water. If you remember from a few weeks back, I had finally gotten him accustomed to the water with floaties, which I was not particularly fond of.

He did wonderfully and seems much more comfortable in the water. I still don't know how confident I would be with his ability to save himself if he were to fall in accidentally, but it is a major step forward for him.

Baby brother all ready for big brothers swim lessons

waiting for lessons to start. Notice the MANY swim instructors names on the wall behind Jacob. The kids had to stand by their instructors names before lessons started.

Jacob and his instructor, Ms Kasey

Baby brother was all pooped out after big brothers swim lessons

1 comment:

Courtney said...

WOW! I am soooo proud of him. He did VERY good!