Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Fat Tuesday/ Ash Wednesday

Well, a day late and a dollar short, but better late than never....right!

I worked on Monday night, and went straight on through until Tuesday night without sleep. I barrelled through the day without regards to rest...and I paid for it today!

Yesterday was Mardi Gras day (or Fat Tuesday) as we call it here round these parts. When I got home from work, Mike, Jacob and I jumped in the car and headed in to town. We packed up my dad and headed to the very large, very crowded parade near my parents home. We had a blast, minus the small second that a lady basically shoved me right out of her way with her LADDER, informing me that I was in her spot! HELLO lady, you just shoved a pregnant woman with a LADDER.....this is not looking good. But, Mike and I held our own and stood our ground....squeezing in to the tiny spot she left for us. We caught a ton of beads/toys/trinkets....Jacob is a great decoy. His cuteness attracts all of the goodies off of the float!

He basically begged for a stuffed tiger from every float that passed (not that they could hear him), but instead received countless footballs, soccer balls, a puppy, some bears, a frog, and a magnet. Good enough for him!

Being the good parents that we are, we forgot the camera. So Mike pulled out his handy dandy Blackberry and took these few pictures. Yes, I was in my work scrubs...I was way too tired to change!

and today marked the first day of Lent...Ash Wednesday. Mike and I tend to forget about the no meat rule throughout lent...but I did great today and avoided all meat (and since I don't eat seafood, and I am pregnant - so no tuna - that does not leave much for me too eat....PB&J or grilled cheese for me), but Mike forgot at lunchtime and had him some chicken. Oh well, we will always have Friday (Fridays are also no meat days during lent). I gave up candy (ack) and Mike gave up goldfish crackers (double ack). He is ADDICTED to those little orange crackers. He buys that jumbo huge box from Walmart, and eats the whole thing by himself...without Jacob or I eating any! Good luck to us will be a long 40 days..........

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