Monday, February 2, 2009

park/zoo trip this past weekend

Some pictures from this past weekend....

Mike and I are almost never in a picture together unless another adult is with us to take it....Jacob has been quite interested in using the camera lately, so we let him have a go at it. I think he did fairly well!

Just hanging around

Jacob found a random little boy (who desperately needed a hair cut) at the pond, and they instantly became friends. Don't you wish it could be that easy as an adult!

stretching after a long walk around the park!

After the park, we headed to the local zoo....not nearly as nice as the one in town, but it'll do! I don't like taking pictures of animals, because I never do anything with them once I take them. So we don't have to many pictures from our zoo trip. Jacob's favorite part of the whole day was riding the train (and seeing the HUGE rattle snake...of course)
we could almost touch the giraffe!!

Mommy and her boy on the zoo train

Daddy and his boy on the zoo train

On a side note, my sister in law was supposed to find out if she was having a boy or girl today (she is 5 months pregnant), but the ultrasound tech was not, it looks like Friday is the big day....maybe my doctor will sneak me in for an ultrasound too on Friday (since I already have an appointment). Wouldn't that be neat! Maybe they won't notice if I casually walk in to the U/S room and lay on the table....

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