Saturday, February 21, 2009

Mardi Gras madness!

What a fun day!

Jacob and I went to a neighbor boys' birthday party this morning while daddy was at the gym. We then contemplated on driving in to town for Endymion (one of the biggest parades in New Orleans pre Mardi Gras day). I heard Kid Rock was the King of Endymion this year....not that I like him all that much=)
Anyways, our neighbors invited us to follow them in and watch the parade with them, but since we had the party this morning, we could not leave as early s they did. We decided against driving in to town, mainly because trying to fight the traffic and crowds simply was not desirable to us (really Mike, I don't so much mind the crowds!)
So we decided to attend the local parade today. The Spanish town parade. It is really an adult themes, songs and such. The young ones don't know enough to pay any mind to those themes, so bringing them is not a big deal. We went with a friend of ours and his little girl. Jacob was pretty crabby at first (because I would not let him drink my entire can of soda), but once daddy caught him a life size Tigger plush, he was totally in to it! Waving his hands and trying to catch the beads! He had a blast.
We are home now, and it is raining now, so we are in for the night. I think this may have been our one Mardi Gras parade this year, since I work Monday night.
Now we have plenty of beads around from the parade today that Jake can play Mardi Gras for the next few months!

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