Thursday, July 10, 2008

A great day!

Jacob and I had a wonderful day today...just the two of us=)

We both slept in until 8 am, that NEVER happens. He is usually up at the crack of dawn!! We had arranged yesterday to meet Aymee and cousin Cooper at the park for 10am. It has been quite a while since Jacob last saw Cooper....since last October or November I think. They have the same disposition and they played so well together......

We left the park around 1115 due to impending rain and Jacob and I headed to the mall. He played for a while in the play area and then he let me shop for a while. He did not complain once, what an angel. We then went upstairs where we rode the carousel (yes, there is a carousel in our mall) and grabbed a quick bite to eat.

On the way home Jacob was telling me something from the back seat, which he has a habit of repeating whatever it is he is trying to tell me until I respond.....
I finally responded with "OK big guy, I hear you" and he promptly tells me "Mommy, I am not a big guy, I am a little guy. I won't be a big guy until I exercise" hilarious is that!!!! He has been fixated on Mike's new Bo-flex and he always wants to exercise. We try to encourage that so Mike and I have done workout videos with him and he is so into it....he even tries to do the push-ups!! I have that on video, but have no idea how to get a video on here, maybe Mike can figure that one out.

Anyways, we ended our day with a family dinner, bath, book and kisses goodnight.

I wish every day could be like today.

I love that little guy....

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