Sunday, August 10, 2008

Party pictures...

A wonderful day it was! Jacob had the BEST time!

Our day started at 730am, when the spacewalk was delivered! He went outside in his PJ's and jumped in that spacewalk all morning. Mike and I went out with him for a while, and boy, did we get some major exercising!!! After 10 minutes in that thing we were all sweating. I guess it doesn't help that here in the south it is 95 degrees out at 8am=)

I had attempted the day before to make him a 3-d firetruck cake which I was going to put on top of a big 11x15 sheet cake. I was NOT happy with the way it turned out (after 5 hours of attempting to make it meet my expectations), so I broke down and ordered him a cookie cake. The first few pictures are of my futile attempt at his cake.

People started arriving around 245pm. We had 14 kids total and they all had a blast. Between the spacewalk, Jacob's swing set, and his new baseball tee they did not ever want to come inside! They did wander in to his room for a few minutes every half hour or so to cool down, but all in all our house (and his room) stayed pretty clean! (A successful party in my eyes).

After they played for a while, we did cake, ice cream, and presents which Jacob was completely engrossed in this year. It was so much fun to watch him get excited over each and every present! He got some really neat toys, including sports related toys which he definitely needed.

After presents they all headed back out to play. I completely forgot until there were only 5 kids left, that I had bought a pinata!!! So needless to say the 5 remaining kids made out great and got TONS of sugar to take home with them=) What we thought was so funny though was that Jacob, along with the other small children, were very picky about what candy they wanted in their bags. He would throw out the 'yucky' candy and only a select few made it in to their bags! I guess they will learn next time, when there are older kids around, you grab what you can or you won't get any!!

Here are a few of my favorite pictures from the day. Enjoy...

A big THANK YOU to everyone who came and celebrated Jacobs' special day with us!

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