Sunday, August 31, 2008

so far, so good!

Well, as of right now Gustav has behaved. My parents arrived safely last night around 7:15 pm. We all went to church this morning and then headed to the store for some very last minute items (ice and such). Walmart was closed! You know it's gonna be bad if a 24 hour store is closed! We also ate lunch out and my dad wanted to go and see the newest Bass pro shop right by our house. We were only able to stay for about 20 minutes though because they two were closing and boarding up for the storm. We came home and proceeded to pick up all of the "loose" items around the outside of the house, (and our neighbors since they didn't bother with any of their junk),cut the grass, and bathe the dogs.

As I type this I hear people outside nailing up bards over their windows. We did not do this and now I am a little worried. I hope the tape works well enough!

We did however postpone our trip to Disney. We are now going on September 20th. It is for the best. We will have a lot more fun when we won't have to worry about the house!

If I can, I will update tomorrow. They are saying we may loose power for about a week....I hope we have enough gas for the generator!

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