Friday, August 29, 2008


That is obviously Jacobs' new favorite word, and boy does it get old fast! I try to tell myself that he is inquisitive, and that it is a good thing. But after 10 or 12 "why mama?" it gets a little old!

For example...on Wednesday we all (the 3 of us) went to the gas station because Mike felt it necessary to purchase and fill up 8 big red gas tank holders full of gas (my husband, always prepared=)). The first gas station cut us off at $100, so we had to drive to another one to finish filling the gas holders (this is not what they are really called, I have no idea what the real terminology for them is, but you know what I am talking about. The big red things that they sell in Walmart, Home Depot, etc that people fill with gas for their lawn mowers and such). This started the "why?" session.

Jacob: "mama, why are we at a new gas station?"
Me: "Because we need more gas baby"
Jacob: "Why?"
Me: "Because Hurricane Gustav is coming"
Jacob: "Why?"
Me: (not sure how to answer this) "Because there is a storm out in the Gulf
of Mexico and it is coming here"
Jacob: "Mesh-e-co??? Where is it"
me: "I will have to show you on a map baby"
Jacob: "Why?"
Me: "Because it is not something you can see from our car"
Jacob: "Why?"
Me: "Because it is too big, I will show you on a map when we get home"
Jacob: "Where is the map?"
Me: "In your closet"
Jacob "Why?"
Me (about to loose all control) "JACOB!!!!! Please be quiet man, we are about to

This is just one of many "Why" conversations in one day...lucky me=)

I do have to say though, if it helps my man learn something new, and he is showing interest, then I will suffer through the "Whys".....

On a side note, we still don't know much about the exact path that the Hurricane will take. It is all speculation. We won't do anything about our trip until Monday. We may have to try to reschedule it for later in the month. We'll see. They moved up the LSU game to 10am to give people the time to evacuate if they want to. Die hard fans will NOT miss a game...hurricane or not!

Have a great Labor Day, and for those of you in Gustav's path, stay safe!

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