Sunday, June 28, 2009


That's right, we have ants=(

I first noticed them yesterday in the garage. A LONG line of them traveling back and forth. Where were they headed? That is yet to be determined.

So I mentioned to Mike that I thought it may be time to spray the house again for bugs. His response, "OK, will get to it tomorrow".

Yesterday evening I noticed ants in Jacob's bathroom. Not a ton, but enough for me to have a little freak out, wipe down everything with clorox, and mop with bleach (twice). You see, his bathroom sits in between the boys bedrooms. So, naturally I assumed that if they had infested the bathroom, then they must be in the bedrooms as well. So I searched and scoured every inch of both rooms, and to my relief I have not found any ants amongst their toys. I JUST cleaned William's room, washed everything, wiped down everything. I would have lost it just a little if I were to have to re-do it over because of some damn ant infestation!!!

So last night we trekked out to Walmart and purchased some Combat ant killer 'houses' to place around the bathroom and garage. It seems to be working, I only found one ant roaming around looking for his clan this morning. My big toe easily smashed him in to oblivion. God help those ants if I ever find one crawling on my newborn babies head, or arm, or anywhere else.

Mike will spray today.

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