Monday, October 27, 2008

Busy busy!

I don't know if we could have fit anymore in to our day even if we had tried!

Jacob had his first (really his second, but since mama forgot the camera last time, we'll pretend like it was his first) visit to the dentist today. Now, before going to the dentist Jacob has to take a prophylactic antibiotic because he has a heart murmur (Bicuspid atrial valve for all of you medically inclined people!). No big deal. You know how sometimes your gums bleed when you go to the dentist, since they are so extra gentle when cleaning your teeth....well Jakey is at an increased risk of infection, going straight to his heart due to the valve problem. Anywho....the dental assistant gets him to lay in the chair and attempts to polish his teeth I am already impressed that he willingly laid down! So once she is done polishing the top teeth, she squirts water in his mouth without warning him and then tries to suck it out and gags him. He flew up to a sitting position and simply states "I don't like the water", thus she was unable to rinse his mouth out the rest of the time we were there! He did let her finish polishing and brushing his teeth, and he let Mr Dentist take a peek at his pearly whites. So, we are good for another 6 months. Still on Fluoride supplements because Jacob refuses to spit out his tooth paste!

After the dentist we went to the mall, where we ate lunch, rode the carousel and gobbled some cookies.

After the mall I decided to swing by the movie theatre to see what was playing because I thought we may take Jacob to a movie this weekend since he has been sleeping so wonderfully at night. Well, big mistake on my part. He thought we were going to a movie today, and since I am the one who feels bad for saying no, in we go to the movies to see 'High School Musical 3'. Now I know you have a few questions:
1. Have we seen the first two?, 2. do we know who ANY of the characters are?, and
3. Is Jacob in to that kind of stuff? The answer to all three questions.....NO!

So why did I take him to see it? Well my friends, the answer is simple. When your baby boy (or girl) looks up at you with big brown eyes and says "Can we see a movie today, please?", well I just had to say, "of course son". Plus, we saw two other kids Jacobs age going in, one boy and one girl that were very excited about it. Well, Jacob was NOT impressed and halfway through asked to go home. To which I replied...."no, mama paid 13 bucks to get us in here and we are staying!" He was a trooper though and toughed it out until the end. I did have to fuss a few times, and by the time the closing credits rolled he was running up and down the isle totally oblivious that the movie had ended. Never again will we go to something like that....we'll stick with Wall-e type flicks.

We also stopped by the duck pond to feed the ducks and ran by Walmart to look for a pumpkin carving kit only to be told that they were sold out....what????? Who runs out of that sort of thing at Halloween time???

Our awesome neighbors let us use their kit and Disney template though and we spent this evening carving pumpkins. It was my first time EVER to do this, and it was not as bad as I has anticipated. I carved the Mickey, and my neighbor carved Donald. It started getting pretty frigid outside so we has to quickly clean up and head in. It is suppsed to get down to 35 tonight!!!!

Oh, and the tee pee pictures were from yesterday afternoon (Sunday). Jacob was playing outside in his tent, and I guess it was colorful enough to attract the attention of the neighborhood kids, because soon we had 8 kids in our yard checking it out!!!

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