Saturday, October 25, 2008


First...Jacob slept until 830 this morning!!! Woohoo!

Now, the main reason for this post...we had some friends over for the (pretty awful) LSU game this afternoon. The guys (2 of Mike's co-workers) brought their children (both 4 years old) with them. The 3 kids overall played pretty good together, but the older two tended to play and run around, leaving poor Jakey tagging behind=( He tried so hard to be involved in their pretend play, but they left him in the dust. I felt so bad for him, it broke my heart. I am sure Jacob will be the same way at that age though. Too old to play with the younger kids!

But, our neighbors came by after the game with their awesome 6 year old daughter. She and Jacob play extremely well together.

Overall we, especially Jacob, had a great day. Minus the HUGE whelp on his forehead the he obtained while running around a corner and crashing in to one of his friends! He is fast asleep, and soon I shall be too.

I really hope the Saints win tomorrow......


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