Thursday, March 26, 2009

accomplishments of a 3 year old

This is more for myself than a typical post for the blog....

I have had quite a few people ask me lately where Jacob is intelectually, and will I start him in kindergarden next year (since his birthday is so close to the cutoff age to start school) or will I keep him in preschool an extra year. I tracked what he was doing in his baby book up until about 20 months, then I stopped=(

So here goes. At age 3 years and (almost) 8 months these are the things he has mastered:

-counting (perfectly 1-10, then sporadically to 20)
-if you hold up a certain number of fingers, he tells you how many you are holding up
-can visually identify about 5 numbers
-all letters and pretty much all letter sounds
-freehands about 13 different letters, including writing his name
-traces dotted leters/lines/shapes
-can only draw a circle freehand
-knows all of the common shapes and colors
-knows all common animals and their sounds
-identifies opposites/similar/and size related objects in a workbook
-can figure out simple mazes
-JUST learned how to peddle a bike and flip a jumprope
-very recently started portraying that he is 'scared'. (mommy, there is a with in the laundry room, and she might get me if you don't come in there with me)

He follows instructions generally well, throws few tantrums, is completely potty trained. He is very tender hearted, sweet, and thoughtful. He has a VERY laidback, go with the flow, even tempered personality. He gets along well with other children, and is very shy and introverted around people he does not know.

OK, woosh, got that logged, so that when our newest little bundle comes along, I will be able to compare them at similar ages!


On a completely different subject, my cankles have subsided and I can see the bone in my ankle again!! AND, my carpal tunnel injection worked and my right hand is back to normal! Thank goodness for the small things in life!

Thanks for checking in, and if you live in our area, I hope that you survivied the storm last night!!!

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