Saturday, November 29, 2008


My blog has over 1000 hits on!

I know that is meager compared to most other blogs, and that over 1/3 of the hits were from myself making posts and checking the layout, but still, it is a step in the right direction! Someone must be interested in what I have to say!!!

Jacob is feeling much better today, back to his old self. The humidifier and plug in had only one night of exposure before returning to the deep darkness that if the hall closet today.

It was quite dreary out and we spent most of the day tidying up. Jake had a birthday party this afternoon for the neighbors little girl (who just adores him). She made 7 and had her party at a 'jump zone'. Lots of fun! Afterwards we were invited over to their place for dinner.

When we returned home, I found Charlie Brown on TV and turned it on for Jacob. He has seen it before, but I don't think he remembered it because he was mesmerized, especially by Snoopy. Snoopy is my least favorite, I guess because of the 'flying ace' scenes. You know which ones I am talking about. A 10 minute animated scene without one word, just Snoopy flying around on top of his dog house....

Anyways, tomorrow shall be spent doing the like, finishing the tree decorating, going to church, watching the Saints (hopefully) win!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Well, I personally LOVE reading your blog. I feel it keeps me updated even though I am soo far away from ya'll. I wish I had the time and the creativity to do one myself. But, one can only dream....