Friday, November 7, 2008

There's a monster in my bed!!!!!

Last night, upon getting ready to head downstairs to go to bed, I hear a noise. A very loud, rhythmic noise. I head down to check on Jacob, all is well on his side of the house....

As I creep closer to our bedroom, I realize it is coming from within....

I open the bedroom door slowly.....and the noise is so loud that I must cover my ears! Mike is all sprawled out taking up the whole king size bed, snoring at higher decibels than I have ever heard come from him. Sooooo I violently shake him awake (which is required because he sleeps like a rock) to inform him that he is indeed snoring, and before he knocks the pictures off of the wall could he please roll over. He warily complies and within minutes was snoring again.

and so it went, this was our night...he would roll to a new position, I would shake him awake and tell him to change positions again. We continued on for so long, that by 1am, with a pillow on my head and plugs in my ears, I was growing increasingly frustrated. I had to wake for 445am and I needed sleep. I couldn't be mad at him though, because the poor guy had a cold and it was hard for him to breath.

So off I went to the sofa where I tossed and turned for another full hour before finally drifting off to sleep.

Needless to say, I called work and told them that I would not make it in today, due to lack of sleep. They were OK with that since I agreed to work extra next week.

Next time Jacob says "there might be a monster in there" (which he says whenever a room is dark and he is afraid to go in alone) I will promptly reply, "no baby, it's just daddy"....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

sooo funny. you should tape record Mike snoring and play it back to him (heehee)