Friday, November 14, 2008

have you guessed our secret???

Let me give you a hint....

That's bug #2 is on the way! We are beyond excited/overjoyed/elated! We thank our Heavenly Father for this most glorious blessing. Jacob is pretty excited himself. This was our conversation tonight:

Me: "Jacob, you are going to be a big brother, you know that right? You are going to be the big brother to the baby in mommy's belly"

Jacob: "Did you eat it (the baby)?!?!?!?

Me: (laughing hysterically) "no, Jesus put the baby in mommy's belly, and when it gets big it will come out"

Jacob "Yeah, it will pop out and I will catch it"

I think he pretty much has the concept down....don't you....??

Oh, and that also means that 3 cousins will be born next year (us, sister in law, and Mike's cousin are all pregnant, due within months of each other).


Anonymous said...

That is so exciting. Congrats.


Jodie said...

Congratulations! I'm so happy for you guys! Even if you did have to EAT the baby to get it in your tummy. LOL