Tuesday, November 25, 2008

I've missed you SO much!

Today marked my first day back in the NICU (well, really it was the well baby nursery, but who cares, babies are involved and that is all that matters!).

Today marked the day that I finally realized what I went in to nursing for.....the babies!!!

Oh how I have missed my babies (doesn't matter that they are not my babies, nor does it matter that this was my first time ever working a shift at this hospital, they were MINE today!). I walked in to the nursery and a huge toothy uncontrollable grin crossed my face. I was home. I knew I missed it, but actually getting back in to the swing of things really made me realize why I do what I do. It is a passion, a love.

It really does not matter that I swaddled screaming babies, cleaned up poop, wiped off spit up, jabbed needles in to unsuspecting legs, or dealt with nutcase parents. At the end of the day, I am still smiling=)

Thank you Lord for leading me down this path!

The ONLY bad part of today was only getting to see Jacob for 15 minutes before he headed off to dream land. I smothered him in kisses and read him snowy Christmasey books and tucked him in tight. Goodnight big man, sweet dreams.

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