Wednesday, April 15, 2009


Not too much happening around here so far this week, other than the fact that my ankle swelling has increased after working 2 days in a row....

I mean, come ON ankles. How is a girl supposed too look cute in a pregnancy bikini when her ankles are as wide as her hips???? Yeah right, me - bikini---NOT!

I do have to give credit where credit is due though. Mike was so awesome tonight. As I sat propped up, ankles above the heart, Mike made me dinner....twice! I was not in the mood for the first dish that he prepared (that I requested...), so he made me a second without complaining. What a man!

Jacob has been precious lately. I really need to write down all of the cute things he says, when he says them so that I can post about them all. Way too precious for words that boy.

Tomorrow (pending the cankle situation) Jacob and I are headed for a combination 3 families in one play date at the duck pond. It is supposed to rain this weekend, so hopefully we can spend a good bit of tomorrow outside.

Night all!

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